Ava Hotel Karstulantie 6, FIN-00550 HELSINKI
University of Art and Design Hämeentie 135 C, FIN-00560 Helsinki
ePedagogy Design
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International Seminar, June 13-17, 2005
Important information:
The seminar is free of charge, no registration is required and it will be open to the public from Monday to Tuesday.
Everyone is welcome to join in!
Room 6036, 6th floor
University of Art and Design Helsinki UIAH
Hämeentie 135 C
FIN-00560 Helsinki, Finland
Monday 13th
9.00 Welcome by the Rector of UIAH
9.15 Welcome by Juha Varto, Dean of School of Art Education
9.30 Welcome and short introduction by Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss, Head of ePedagogy
Design-Visual knowledge building
10.00 Introduction of teachers, students and experts
Seminar overview and time schedule
11.00 Coffee break
11.20 ePedagogy Design-Visual knowledge building – a short resumé from Helsinki, Hamburg, Rotterdam (Sonvilla-Weiss, Meyer, Jansen)
12.30 Lunch
14.00 PingPong Design Netherlands: „Virtual identities“
study.log: „Knowledge discovery and knowledge organisation“ (Meyer & Münte-Goussar)
18.00 Welcome drinks and snacks
Tuesday 14th
10.00 Mikko Laine – WSOY eLearning
Kari Mikkela – Center of Expertise for Digital Media Finland
12.00 Lunch
14.00 Eero Miettinen – Nokia
Lily Diaz – Media Lab UIAH
17.00 Discussions & day review
18.00 End of second day
Wednesday 15th
9.00 Virt@ – MA eLearning program for art teachers (Raevaara)
11.00 University tour
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Student presentation 1 + 2 (MA-thesis)
Learning Objects – e-Content production in visual knowledge building
17.00 End of third day
18.30 KIASMA (Museum of contemporary Art)
Thursday 16th
10.00 Student presentation 3 + 4 (MA-thesis)
Organisational details–curriculum introduction
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Cruising
18.00 End of fourth day
Friday 17th
10.00 Student presentation 5+6 (MA-thesis)
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Video-Conference with INHOLLAND University Tour
18.00 Closing of the seminar
20.00 Closing Party
Ralf Appelt arbeitete im Medienzentrum der Fakultät für Erziehungswissenschaft an der Uni Hamburg und studierte Diplom Pädagogik und ePedagogy Design Visual Knowledge Building. Mittlerweile ist er Studienrat an einer berufsbildenden Schule in Schleswig-Holstein. Er interessiert sich ausserdem für Visualisierung, Photographie, Social Media und mobile Learning. |